We have over 38 years experience with investment markets and over this time have developed robust processes that form part of our wealth management service. Moneyplan dedicates a significant amount of time and resources, which results in a market leading advisory service for managing your private wealth.

We will help you develop and stick to an investment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and objectives. The portfolio that we construct and manage on your behalf is designed to fund your long term financial plan.

Our wealth management philosophy focuses on these key areas:

Structure and strategy – Before placing investments we will consider the overall investment structure, which takes into account areas important to your situation such as taxation, estate planning, cost, accessibility and the need for cash flow.

Objectives and outcomes – We will develop an investment portfolio that is constructed to meet your specific needs and your desired outcomes.  We want to know why you’re investing money. 

Capital preservation – We believe that while investors want to maximise long term returns, not losing money is very if not equally important. Therefore, an optimal portfolio should seek to maximise returns while at the same time minimise permanent capital loss through prudent portfolio construction. For us this means allocating your assets in a broadly diversified portfolio.

Diversification and pro-active management – There is a significant amount of research that suggests the primary driver of investment return is related to your allocation across asset classes (i.e. shares, property, debt/bonds, cash and other alternatives). We believe that owning a diversified portfolio is the smart way to approach portfolio construction. Inevitably, there will be times in which certain styles of investing or sectors will be favoured over others, which will result in certain asset classes within your portfolio “outperforming” while others are “underperforming.” Because these cycles cannot be consistently predicted nor timed, we believe that broad diversification is the best way to pursue long-term satisfactory results.

Faith in the future – If we are going to make smart long-term decisions, we must have faith that human progress will continue, that our global economy will grow, and that markets will go up over time, albeit with temporary and sometimes dramatic declines. When you consider that most of your objectives will take decades to play out — such as retirement or multi-generational goals — it seems evident that achieving them requires faith that the progress we’ve experienced to this point will continue into the future. We have faith in the future, which is the belief that we will keep innovating and that those innovations will allow us to keep prospering. 

Behavioural coaching – Part of our role is to keep you on track to the long term plan and while we try to ensure a smooth experience, it won’t always be this way. Information is widely available and can be overwhelming at times causing uncertainty. Market declines are inevitable and to be expected. We will educate you, keep you focused on what can be controlled and ensure that you make smart decisions.

Collaboration with external specialists – We only partner with the highest quality investment managers across the globe. To ensure the robustness of our process we also collaborate with external research houses, stockbrokers and other investment specialists. Moneyplan has its own investment committee which includes an external investment consultant, who meet regularly to discuss the broad markets and economy, portfolio strategy along with individual investments suitable for our clients.

For our high net worth clients we also partner with a network of quality investment managers who specialise in private market strategies and this allows us access to similar opportunities that large investment groups receive (i.e. large super funds, institutional investment managers, government portfolios, charities, endowment funds and ultra-wealthy family offices). These investments are typically in private debt, property, equity, infrastructure and other alternative asset classes such as hedge funds.

Reporting and communication – We provide regular and consolidated investment reporting so that you can keep track of your investment portfolio and overall wealth plan.



If you would like one of our team to contact you please don't hesitate to contact us.